When I went to England, I went to my gradnpa's mums house in Oakbale House and I met two dogs, and
Y4 at IST
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Monday, 8 August 2016
My game
My game
I made this game using code.
You have a unicorn aka
and you need to get the stars from the witch by bumping into her.
The rest of the instructions are in the game.
Click HERE to play!!!!!!!
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Monday, 4 July 2016
In Netherlands!
I am now in Netherlands, and I like it a lot! We are soon going to search for a house to live in, and I hope we get a good one!My school reopens only in September, so I have loads of time to spend on vacation somewhere. I am eager to start Dutch at school! I miss you all loads, and thank's a lot for the card and T-shirt, I will always treasure it!
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Internationalism in Year 4
The week began with Marcus telling us about the Romanian culture. He also shared this video clip of traditional Romanian dancing.
After this we had a visit from Mrs Tyagi (Shriya's mum).
MeiLi and her mum helped us to understand more about Chinese culture, as MeiLi lived in China before moving to Toulouse.
C ristina and her mum treated us all to a Spanish experience - Tapas!
The mum of Gökürk in Year 2 came in and shared lots of information about Turkish life and also showed us lots of interesting objects that are part of Turkish culture.
Thank you to all those parents in Year 4 who have so generously shared their time and cultures with us!
After this we had a visit from Mrs Tyagi (Shriya's mum).
'Shriya’s mum came to tell 4B
about Rangoli. Rangoli is an
pattern-based art form from India and is created for special Indian
festivals. First Shriya’s mum used chalk
to sketch an outline of a peacock on the floor.
Then she carefully filled the spaces with coloured sand, rice and flower
petals. We helped as well, it was
fun! It’s a shame we had to sweep it up!'
We also had a visit from Mrs Pampana (Yeshu's mum) who taught us the Telegu alphabet and read us a fable about a fox and a crow. We also tried some yummy Indian food.
Rhea's mum told us the story of Punyakoti:

Maryam's mum read us a story in English and Urdu and also provided some wonderful pekoras with the class:
Keech told us all about maple syrup from Canada - and gave us some on pancakes!
Ines' mum came in and told us all about Scottish culture. We also had some nice oat cakes and shortbread!
She shared some Scottish music too:
Orla read us an Irish story, and also shared some home-made barmbrack with us:
The Man
There were enormous humanoids who were exploding everything. We ran and ran and me and my wife got in a hole to escape. We found ourselves in a very odd place and then out of nowhere gigantic boots came thudding by and then a man saved us and said we had to give money. After that he took us to a beach and we went in a boat to a place with owls on top of every buildings, and then we bought this house and we set up a fruit and vegetable stall. And this is our son.
The Girl
I loved reading stories but my master was wanting me to be a slave. I was not so sure, yet he was my master. I begged to give me back my book but the more I begged him the more he refused. Which made thing a lot worse. He put the book in a drawer and locked it up, and demanded me to make the furnaces hotter. I worked and I worked!
A few months later..
Oh I wish I didn't need to sweep the chimney again. GRR!
Oh stupid clod… hey what about my hair clip. Why yes, that's how!!!...
The lost girl
I was reading a book and my master came in!
“Put that book down,” said my master and he locked the book in a drawer.
He forced me to get a spade and go down to the dungeons and clean the chimney.
I had to clean out the chimney. It was very dusty.
I was cleaning the soot out and I was finished.
I saw a little hut and I rushed to it.
I was thinking about how much I was missing my cosy bed and my yummy food.
Then I had an idea.
I looked in my bedroom just in case he was still there. Then I saw the keys on the floor and the drawer open.
I took the book and went outside.
I saw a chimney and got on it. When I was on it I rested there peacefully.
By Ines
“Put that book down,” said my master and he locked the book in a drawer.
He forced me to get a spade and go down to the dungeons and clean the chimney.
I had to clean out the chimney. It was very dusty.
I was cleaning the soot out and I was finished.
I saw a little hut and I rushed to it.
I was thinking about how much I was missing my cosy bed and my yummy food.
Then I had an idea.
I looked in my bedroom just in case he was still there. Then I saw the keys on the floor and the drawer open.
I took the book and went outside.
I saw a chimney and got on it. When I was on it I rested there peacefully.
By Ines

“We had the same thing in my lives.
Something in my country was attacking. I don’t now why.
It is the humanoids!!!
Do you want to see them?”
“Let’s go.”
“So tell me if there is something like that in your town.”
“In my city there are monsters with millions of tails did you see something like that in your life with laser eyes and one million tails?”
“There it is mysterious and spooky there.”
“Are you sure you want to go there?”
“Sure sure”
“Yes Yes”
“Take a gun to protect yourself, ok.”
Go and get it.
The Girl by Maria
I was reading my diary when someone took it. He put it in a mysterious tray and he close it with an ugly key. He gave me a paddle and he told me to work. It was to put sand on an oven. I climb it and a made a strange mix. Also I saw people working like me. I was crying about my diary and also about myself. I try to take the key for take my diary. When I take the diary I go to take the train. It was cold in there!!! I was OK.
The girl and the diary by Beatriz
I was reading my diary when someone took it from my hands, he put it in a strange tray and locked it. Then he really forced me to get this strange paddle, and commanded me to put coal in the big oven. I waited and waited till fff some smoke came out. Of course I needed to clean it. I went up and cleaned it. I was very sad and cried. I took the paddle and broke the door, the keys were lying down on the floor. I think it was these I knew which ones they were.
The Girl
Then she ju… Hey! I said as he snatched the book away from me.
You’re a
slave, not a book worm, he said as he locked my book up. Now get to work!
What work? I
Working for
my furnace, so get to work! he said
3 years later
I’ve already
got blisters, ouch, another one. Time to clean the chimney again. I wonder when
I will be set free – yorn -I better get to sleep… snore.
What? Oh
yeah I’ve got the most brilliant idea to escape. Now where are those Keys…
written by Nicola
The lost girl
I’ve just finished work. I am finally free to read my book!
I might read inside, just in case master comes along!
Ahhhh! I sat down on my broken bed, and started to read.
And then Maya started to cry.... Ahhhhhh! MASTER! NOT MY BOOK PLEAAASE!
Arini, get up you fool! You still have loads of work to do! he said and locked the book in a drawer.
NO BUTS! You know that you’re here to work, you can’t just read! Now pick up that spade, and go burn some coal!
I picked up the spade and started shovelling the coal.
Sparks of fire shot up to me and started to burn my skin.
This is no job for a child! I thought as I climbed up to clean the soot-filled chimney.
My work is finally done, and master is now at the party, so that means I can go to get my book back by using my hair pin as the key!
I went walking back up the corridor to my bedroom and crept in just in case master was still there
I tried to open the lock, and succeeded! I grabbed my book and escaped quickly.
I might read inside, just in case master comes along!
Ahhhh! I sat down on my broken bed, and started to read.
And then Maya started to cry.... Ahhhhhh! MASTER! NOT MY BOOK PLEAAASE!
Arini, get up you fool! You still have loads of work to do! he said and locked the book in a drawer.
NO BUTS! You know that you’re here to work, you can’t just read! Now pick up that spade, and go burn some coal!
I picked up the spade and started shovelling the coal.
Sparks of fire shot up to me and started to burn my skin.
This is no job for a child! I thought as I climbed up to clean the soot-filled chimney.
My work is finally done, and master is now at the party, so that means I can go to get my book back by using my hair pin as the key!
I went walking back up the corridor to my bedroom and crept in just in case master was still there
I tried to open the lock, and succeeded! I grabbed my book and escaped quickly.
the girl
I was reading my diary, but my master came in and put the
book away in a drawer!
"NO!" I screamed, "NOT MY BOOK!”
Then he forced me to take a spade, and a brush to clean the chimney out.
"NO!" I screamed, "NOT MY BOOK!”
Then he forced me to take a spade, and a brush to clean the chimney out.
I was so miserable,
so to escape I propped the door open with the spade! The master was asleep, so I
got my diary and ran! I got on a train and bumped into the man again we talked
a while then he had to get of at the station we said goodbye where should I go
The lost girl
I’ve just finished work. I am finally free to read my book!
I might read inside, just in case master comes along!
Ahhhh! I sat down on my broken bed, and started to read.
And then Maya started to cry.... Ahhhhhh! MASTER! NOT MY BOOK PLEAAASE!
Arini, get up you fool! You still have loads of work to do! he said and locked the book in a drawer.
NO BUTS! You know that you’re here to work, you can’t just read! Now pick up that spade, and go burn some coal!
I picked up the spade and started shovelling the coal.
Sparks of fire shot up to me and started to burn my skin.
This is no job for a child! I thought as I climbed up to clean the soot-filled chimney.
My work is finally done, and master is now at the party, so that means I can go to get my book back by using my hair pin as the key!
I went walking back up the corridor to my bedroom and crept in just in case master was still there
I tried to open the lock, and succeeded! I grabbed my book and escaped quickly.
I might read inside, just in case master comes along!
Ahhhh! I sat down on my broken bed, and started to read.
And then Maya started to cry.... Ahhhhhh! MASTER! NOT MY BOOK PLEAAASE!
Arini, get up you fool! You still have loads of work to do! he said and locked the book in a drawer.
NO BUTS! You know that you’re here to work, you can’t just read! Now pick up that spade, and go burn some coal!
I picked up the spade and started shovelling the coal.
Sparks of fire shot up to me and started to burn my skin.
This is no job for a child! I thought as I climbed up to clean the soot-filled chimney.
My work is finally done, and master is now at the party, so that means I can go to get my book back by using my hair pin as the key!
I went walking back up the corridor to my bedroom and crept in just in case master was still there
I tried to open the lock, and succeeded! I grabbed my book and escaped quickly.
the girl
I was reading my diary, but my master came in and put the book away in a draw!" NO "I screamed "NOT MY BOOK” Then he forced me to take a spade, and a brush to clean the chimney out.
I was so miserable, so to escape I propped the door open with the spade! The master was asleep, so I got my diary and ran! I got on a train and bumped into the man again we talked a while then he had to get of at the station we said goodbye where should I go now?
I was so miserable, so to escape I propped the door open with the spade! The master was asleep, so I got my diary and ran! I got on a train and bumped into the man again we talked a while then he had to get of at the station we said goodbye where should I go now?
The Giant
The story begun in the middle of our city with thousands of humanoids trying to suck us in these suckers so we asked a man to show us the way out from this horrible place we walked and walked then we saw a big humanoid. We hid in the sewers and did the same voyage in these gloomy horrible gluey sewers. Three days later we arrived at a beach. It was ten and a half years ago, we made a boat with the broken wood and we sailed off to this place and settled here . and we lived here for 7 years and that’s how we found you.
The end !

The end !

The Giants
So it was a normal day, till the ground started
moving. ENORMOUS people with suckers made everybody running around in chaos. Me and my
wife hid under a hole. After everybody was gone we went out and started walking
till we arrived somewhere really strange where weird buildings where. We started
climbing till we found a man who had a map to the way out and he could give it
to us for 1000€, so we decided to buy it. We found ourselves on a beach where
there was a boat. We stayed on it for two months then we arrived.
By Miguel
તે એક સામાન્ય દિવસ હતો, ત્યાં સુધી જમીન ખસેડવાની શરૂઆત કરી હતી સાથે પ્રચંડ લોકો બધાને અંધાધૂંધી આસપાસ ચાલી હતી. મને અને
મારી પત્ની એક છિદ્ર હેઠળ છુપાવી લે છે. પછી બધાને ગયો હતો અમે બહાર ગયા અને
વૉકિંગ સુધી અમે ક્યાંક ખરેખર વિચિત્ર જ્યાં વિચિત્ર ઇમારતો જ્યાં પહોંચ્યા શરૂ
કર્યું. અમે સુધી અમે એક માણસ જે રીતે બહાર કરવા માટે એક નકશો હતો મળી ચડતા શરૂ
કર્યું અને તેણે 1000€ માટે
અમને તે આપી શકે છે કે જેથી અમે તેને ખરીદી લીધી. અમે અમારી જાતને એક બીચ જ્યાં
બોટ હતી મળી , અમે 2 મહિના માટે અહીં પછી અમે પહોંચ્યા.
તે એક સામાન્ય દિવસ હતો, ત્યાં સુધી જમીન ખસેડવાની શરૂઆત કરી હતી સાથે પ્રચંડ લોકો બધાને અંધાધૂંધી આસપાસ ચાલી હતી. મને અને
મારી પત્ની એક છિદ્ર હેઠળ છુપાવી લે છે. પછી બધાને ગયો હતો અમે બહાર ગયા અને
વૉકિંગ સુધી અમે ક્યાંક ખરેખર વિચિત્ર જ્યાં વિચિત્ર ઇમારતો જ્યાં પહોંચ્યા શરૂ
કર્યું. અમે સુધી અમે એક માણસ જે રીતે બહાર કરવા માટે એક નકશો હતો મળી ચડતા શરૂ
કર્યું અને તેણે 111110000 € માટે
અમને તે આપી શકે છે કે જેથી અમે તેને ખરીદી લીધી. અમે અમારી જાતને એક બીચ જ્યાં
બોટ હતી મળી , અમે 2 મહિના માટે અહીં પછી અમે પહોંચ્યા.
The giants
We were in the Wednesday market place with our daughter and with my wife, we were buying some meat, some melon, lemon and suddenly the sky went black. I checked my watch but it was still 10 o’clock, (of course in the morning) and then giant feet appeared out of nowhere and then vacuumed my daughter away! Of course, I wanted her back. But how could I? It was a disaster! I wanted my daughter back but I needed to save myself and keep my wife safe. So I couldn’t save my daughter.
That’s why we ran and ran and dived and ducked but the giants were too quick, and we decided to hide in a sewage. It smelled horrible and there were slimy water and gluey bubbles, and that’s when we saw light. From a certain distance there was a filthy looking man with a cigar as thick as a finger filled with tobacco, a whiskey in one hand and a cigar in the other, he looked dangerous, his eyes were cold blue like the winter sea. He had a ladder. We approached slowly, but before we said a word the man shouted “come if you want to live.”
With help from Killian
That’s why we ran and ran and dived and ducked but the giants were too quick, and we decided to hide in a sewage. It smelled horrible and there were slimy water and gluey bubbles, and that’s when we saw light. From a certain distance there was a filthy looking man with a cigar as thick as a finger filled with tobacco, a whiskey in one hand and a cigar in the other, he looked dangerous, his eyes were cold blue like the winter sea. He had a ladder. We approached slowly, but before we said a word the man shouted “come if you want to live.”
With help from Killian
The Giants
We were buying some ice cream when suddenly a big figure loomed over us and sent us flying in the air.
Me my son and my wife survived but our poor daughter went right into the giant vacuum cleaner.
We were filled with grief but we knew that if we stayed here talking we were all going to die so we went away for our first time without our daughter. We ran and ran forever until we found ourselves in a maze.
Fortunately a stranger that knew this maze and helped us to find the exit. But he needed money in return.
We gave him the money. (Only 4 dongers) (Which means 2 cents) He gave us the money to pay us a trip on a boat to get back to our house.
Our son was getting tired of the long trip so he fell asleep in the boat.
When we arrived home the big giants were gone.
We were still filled with grief from our daughters death from the giants with the giant vacuum cleaners.
We marched back home.
It was hot compared to outside.
It felt good to be in a hot place.
We went up without Lucy
Killian (with a lot of help from Jinmin)
The Giants
We were buying some ice cream when suddenly a big figure loomed over us and sent us flying in the air.
Me my son and my wife survived but our poor daughter went right into the giant vacuum cleaner.
We were filled with grief but we knew that if we stayed here talking we were all going to die so we went away for our first time without our daughter. We ran and ran forever until we found ourselves in a maze.
Fortunately a stranger that knew this maze and helped us to find the exit. But he needed money in return.
We gave him the money. (Only 4 dongers) (Which means 2 cents) He gave us the money to pay us a trip on a boat to get back to our house.
Our son was getting tired of the long trip so he fell asleep in the boat.
When we arrived home the big giants were gone.
We were still filled with grief from our daughters death from the giants with the giant vacuum cleaners.
We marched back home.
It was hot compared to outside.
It felt good to be in a hot place.
We went up without Lucy
Killian (with a lot of help from Jinmin)
The man and the woman
One day there were lots of giant in the town. And I found hiding place on the road and we went down into the ground and underneath the road. Also, we heard the foot of the giant. We went up a little mountain. Then we heard the giant foot stamping on the ground. And we went up again on the road. I helped my wife to go on the road. Then I gave her a cuddle. And then I saw a man that was holding lamp in his hand on the road to help us and he wanted some money.
By Noa
Sunday, 12 June 2016
AnimalJam Membership
Animal jam is my favourite online game ever, and not only is it fun, but also educates you on the animal category! In animal jam, you can choose to be whatever animal you would like to be. I am a Panda, a seal, and a Racoon. Membership in animal jam is an amazing thing, because you get to be whichever animal you want, and adopt whatever kind of pets you want! Today, my dad surprised me by buying me 1 month membership! I was so happy and I started buying things right at that point! In animal jam you also have what is called a den,(your house) and with membership you can also get new kinds of dens, and I have a small house, a sunken ship, and an enchanted hollow!
To play yourself and have a lot of fun, click this link: animaljam.com
Friday, 10 June 2016
Lego Minecraft By Mateo
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Pibrac Castle
We had a great trip to Pibrac Castle this morning.
We looked at parts of the castle that showed time passing and then wrote haiku poems. Here are 4G's.
We looked at parts of the castle that showed time passing and then wrote haiku poems. Here are 4G's.
And here's a slideshow of pictures from the morning:
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
The authentic metropol parasol
The Great Wall of China
Google Slides,
The Great Wall of China
Alamillo Bridge Seville, Spain
Google Slides,
Puente del Alamillo,
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